As Mea again turned her back on me, a revelation hit me.  Tamriel, the mundane clod of earth that it is, does not deserve the favors of true magic Kali and I were going to bring with us.  These insolent mortals were but flecks of dust thrown into a windstorm that struck me in the face.  True, they are irritating, but they will be whisked away and forgotten just as easily as they came.   As I prepared the spell that would take me back to my beloved Sovere, I thought back.  My experiences with this Tamriel had been interesting, and by most measures annoying.  Pesky mortals.  Why do they insist on claiming any part of the multiverse as their own?  They will loose their claims in due time, so why bother?   I shook my head, clearing away these random thoughts, making my mind focus on the spell at hand.  A low hum arose as the magic grew and concentrated in my frame.  The intensity of the vibration would have killed a human or an elf, but my hyperdense flesh acted like an amplifier for the energy I was gathering.  Mea and Zarth looked on, worried, as a purple field pulsed around me.   As the power coallesced, I felt the presence of Kali's awesome might.  She stepped out of the ether and wrapped her arms around me.  Chosen One!  Her words slammed into Mea and Zarth's minds, and gently rolled into mine as a breeze.  It has been so long since I have held you in my arms.  So long since I felt your lips brush mine.  So long since......   I cut her off mentally, not wanting these mortals to know of my true relationship with the Goddess.  "Kali, I have strayed into a realm of mortals.  They need to be taught of your true power and I would return to Sovere, given your will." I said.   Jemalas, my love, you are my Chosen One.  Your powers should be able to take you swiftly to Sovere, the words rolling across my mind and causing visible pain to Zarth and Mea.   "Kali, my goddess, I want your arms to guide me home."    Kali's alabaster cheeks flushed red.  Without a word, she held me tight and picked me up, floating. As she tried to pull us back to Sovere, something snagged me.   Alyssa.   I had forgotten how I had joined our life forces when we crossed.  To allow me to return home, I would need a Soverian life.  I closed my eyes and concentrated, focusing my mind onto Sovere.  I found the perfect individual.  A lizard man.     I saw him in a swamp, hunched over the dead body of a swamp eel, his green black scales glistening in the waning light.  I reached out and closed a mental hand around the lizard man.  I deposited him near the Angry Porcupine, as kind of a last desserts.   The lizardman's polearm clattered beside him and I shoved knowledge into his mind, enough to speak Tamrillian common, then my mind left him.  The lizard person was free to do as they please.  As I closed my eyes and let Kali take me home.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well people, this is the last of Lord Tamislane (you hope).  After thinking it over and discussing it with several people, Jemalas is too damn powerful.  He unbalances the Porc tales.  From here on, I am switching to a less godlike character.  A simple lizard man, with naught but a few coppers, his halberd, and a loincloth.  No magic.  No divine patron.  No surprises and no frills.  Just a cut the crap out of you then eat the good parts kinda guy.  Please treat him with honor.  Otherwise, he'll be angry (not a pretty site.).   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   "Sssssssssss what happened?" I thought as my body slammed onto a flagstone road in between two buildings.  I got up and looked around.  Something was different.  "Where am I?" I said, the strange words replacing themselves as they came out of my mouth.  I glanced up and saw a mug on a wooden sign.  "A tavern!" my mind cried out, thirsting for ale and a woman.   As the door opened, tallow light streamed onto my dark scales.  I looked in and saw the alien peoples.  "Sssszaknafoin presssserve me!"  I thought.   I walked in, sat down and started to sharpen my halberd, wondering if anyone would approach.       ~Zak Kie ICQ- 16848203